Anyways, let me focus on the subject, going back to the treats for the beautiful ladies at my church and the last breakfast of the year. Everything you read or see on TV is about cookie swaps, but I didn't want to get them cookies (a good reason being is that I still haven't mastered the art of decorated sugar cookies). Being a big fan and lover of chocolate and brownies, and the fact that my husband came home a nice gift, the Perfect Brownie Pan. And that is when it finally clicked, bars was the magic word for me.
After making a search in the internet and reviewing lots of recipes I picked two. One had to had chocolate in it and for the other something fruity was ideal to contrast and complement each other. Get it?
Oatmeal Berry Bar
Caramel Brownie Bar (I added walnuts, which is optional)
Found nice tins in a craft store and brought some tins full of delicious sweet bars. Just what the holidays ordered and a special Happy Holidays to all the great ladies (friends) that gets together to share and have fun!

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